Talks for Parents

Navigating Family Stress
"Recognize your own stressors and those of your kids, equipping them with healthier tools and strategies, so that you can move your family from surviving to thriving"
Embracing the Challenge
"Drawing from her own story and the journey that emerged, Leanne explores what God has called parents to and how that plays out practically in everyday life. Discover the importance of making a commitment, the value of praying through your home and the significance of creating a family mission statement, so that you can live your life intentionally out of your unique family values."
Cultivating Prayer
"Join Leanne as she spurs on parents to unleash the power of prayer within their family. Discover unique and creative tools that inspire kids to pray. Learn more about praying for your kids, recognize the power of your example and explore how to cultivate an atmosphere of prayer in your home."
Words of Blessing
"Uncover the value of words, learn to speak life, identity, truth and purpose over your children and catch a glimpse of the ripple effect. Join Leanne and discover how to make Blessing a tangible way of life in your family."
Celebrating Our Kid's Rites of Passage
"Discover the significance of the words your child needs to hear as they transition from childhood into adolescence. Uncover the essential value of your role, the influence of your words, the protection of your love and the security of your actions as you celebrate your child and release them into this next phase of their journey."
Hearing God for Families
"Help your children experience the Lord in the everyday circumstances of life, with tools, strategies, and activities that will help them see how God has uniquely wired them to hear His voice."
Spiritual Dynamics
"Exploring Scripture and Church history, understand the authority, identity and position God has given us as we strategically guard ourselves, our homes and our family."
Serving Together
"Uncover the impact of serving together as a family as you strategically look at the needs around you and equip your kids to live out their faith in practical ways."
Family Devotions
"Discover new tools, strategies and activities, as you intentionally seek the Lord together as a family, partnering with Him as He weaves the faith story of your family together."
Money Allowance & Tithing
"Cultivate healthy attitudes around money for your kids and equip them with financial tools and strategies to use their money as a tool for accomplishing God’s purposes in their lives and in other’s."

Hearing God
"Discover how God has uniquely designed you to hear His voice. Learn how to create space to listen, how to identify obstacles that might interfere, and become acquainted with the characteristics of His voice. "
Whispers in the Storm
"Discover the gift of peace, surrender and His presence in the middle of the storm and uncover the opportunity to deepen your own roots and leverage your experience to build up others."
Thinking Clearly
"Become clear on your family purpose and plan when things are going well, so that you can maintain your focus, think clearly and see the Lord’s hand when things are not unfolding as you had hoped."